We’ve Got You Covered.
The Taylor Bookstore is your one-stop-shop for all your Wake Forest needs. Shop for textbooks, course materials, school supplies, dorm & apartment items, WakeWare, tech accessories, and more! If you’re looking for the gear you need to get your Deac on, the Deacon Shop has WFU apparel for the entire family! You won’t leave empty handed.
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Did You Know?

Each year, University Stores donates used textbooks to Better World Books, which donates a percentage of it’s profits to literacy programs around the world.
University Stores in partnership with Follett provides $10,000 in textbook scholarships to WFU Students. (Scholarships are distributed by the Financial Aid Office)

University Stores in partnership with Follett are Gold Level Sponsors for the annual Hit the Bricks event in support of the Brian Piccolo Cancer Research Fund.