Easy. Convenient. Affordable.
Make Wake your summer home. Wake SHIP offers easy, convenient, affordable housing for summer interns & researchers across the Triad area. Our partially furnished apartment-style housing is available each summer beginning in June.

Wake SHIP provides you with a comfortable home away from home during your summer internship and offers the opportunity to interact with other interns from the local area, across the country, and around the world.
Housing Dates
June 2, 2025 – August 1, 2025*
*Departures on August 1, 2024, must check out no later than noon.
More information and registration dates will be released at a later date. For questions please reach out to conferences@wfu.edu.
We invite anyone involved in non-classroom academic coursework, such as, but not limited to, thesis, dissertation work or Internship work related to an academic discipline or other special circumstances.
Housing Information
Available Housing
Interns will be housed in apartment-style residence halls on Wake Forest’s Reynolda campus. Each fully furnished unit includes private bedrooms, a bathroom, a shared living space, a shared kitchen, and access to laundry facilities. Utilities are incorporated in the nightly rate.
Minimum Stay
A one-week minimum stay (7 consecutive nights) is required for all interns utilizing on-campus housing.
Registration Deadline
While there is no registration deadline for intern housing, placement is based on a first come first serve basis.
Wake SHIP Agreement
By Registering and participating in the Wake Summer Housing Intern Program (Wake SHIP), you are agreeing to the following terms & conditions:
The Guest is involved in non-classroom academic coursework, such as, but not limited to, thesis, dissertation work or Internship work related to an academic discipline or other special circumstances.
Financial Arrangements
By execution of this AGREEMENT, the Guest agrees to pay the University the rate agreed upon, as specified on the application by the Guest and the Conference Services office. The Guest understands that accommodations and rates are based on availability.
The full balance for your stay is due prior to check-in on campus.
Payments can be submitted through the online payment process via credit card upon registration; Credit card payments will only be taken through online registration. If paying via credit card online, partial payments can be made until the final balance is paid in full.
Payments can also be submitted via mail by check, cashier’s check, or money order. You may present a check upon arrival/check-in. Note that checks are the only form of payment taken upon arrival. Checks can be made payable to Wake Forest University.
If a department of Wake Forest University or the company hosting your internship is paying for your stay, an invoice will be sent to the department specified for payment.
Minimum Stay
A one-week minimum stay (7 consecutive nights) is required for all interns utilizing on-campus housing.
Date Changes
If you need to modify or cancel your current registration dates/information, you may do so online by clicking the “Already Registered” link located on the Wake SHIP registration page or via the “click here to view the event summary” in your confirmation email.
You will see your existing housing requests listed under your name. To change your requested dates, click EDIT under the actions section and make changes as needed.
At any time, the Guest may request to stay additional nights, so long as the move-out date is still within the dates of the program. After the Conference Services office sends the confirmation, the outstanding balance for the additional nights must be paid within 48 hours.
Cancellation by Guest
If cancellation of all or part of a reservation is necessary, please do so online or in writing at least ten (10) days prior to your scheduled arrival. You may cancel online by following the directions below or by sending correspondence to conferences@wfu.edu
Visit the Wake SHIP Registration page, and click the “Already Registered” link located at the bottom of the page or via the “click here to view the event summary” in your confirmation email
You will see your existing housing requests listed under your name. To change your requested dates, click EDIT under the actions section and make changes as needed.
Failure to Pay
If the Guest fails to pay the balance due, the Conference & Event Services office reserves the right to terminate the AGREEMENT.
Returned Checks
If a Guest provides a check that is returned due to insufficient funds, there will be a $25 charge added to the Guest’s account. The Conference & Events Services office will contact the Guest and the Guest will have forty-eight (48) hours to make payment online via credit card, with a certified check or cashier’s check.
Room Assignments
Specific room assignments will be made by the Conference & Event Services office 7-14 days prior to check-in. The Conference & Event Services office will attempt to accommodate all apartment requests. Room assignments are made without regard to race, creed, color, age, veteran’s status, sexual orientation, or national origin. The Conference & Event Services office reserves the right to assign applicants to available space, alter any assignment at any time, and deny or revoke the privilege of housing to any Guest who disrupts the residential facility environment or violates any provision of this AGREEMENT. An apartment cannot be shared with others not approved as a renter.
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
It is the policy of the University to ensure meaningful access to qualified persons with disabilities in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and other applicable laws. Accordingly, please notify the Conference Services office in writing at least thirty (30) days before your scheduled arrival on campus of any disabilities that may require reasonable accommodation.
All Guests will check in/out of housing between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., M-F at the apartment complex office with Conference & Event Service. Arrivals/Departures after 5:00 p.m. and arrivals/departures on Saturday, Sunday and holidays will need to be arranged by calling our office prior to your requested date to arrange with a staff member to meet you. As a reminder, all Guests are allowed one check-in and one check-out per stay within our facilities.
Guests will receive a parking hang-tag to enter the property after hours and on the weekends.
Guests may use the laundry machines conveniently located in their assigned residence hall.
Internet/Streaming Services
Wake Forest University is a wireless campus and you will be able to access the WiFi by logging in as a “guest”.
All apartments are streaming only, not coax-equipped.
Apartments & rooms will be cleaned before arrival. You are responsible for keeping your room & apartment tidy; including cleaning the bathroom, kitchen & taking out your trash during your stay. Trash disposal is centrally located at each building of the complex.
Revocation of AGREEMENT
This AGREEMENT may automatically and immediately terminate without refund of fees at the University’s discretion:
- If the Guest ceases to participate in an Internship or other professionally related reason for housing provided on their application.
- If the Guest fails to pay the required housing fees.
- If the Guest engages in any misconduct, including but not limited to any of the actions described as Prohibited Conduct in the Wake Forest University Code of Conduct (available upon request and on the internet).
- For any other reason pursuant to the University’s exercise of its reasonable discretion.
Prohibition of AGREEMENT
Term & Conditions in this AGREEMENT are personal and may not be transferred or assigned to another person.
Responsibility for Personal Property
The University does not assume responsibility for:
- Loss or damage to articles of personal property that occurs in its buildings or on its grounds. Guests are encouraged to carry appropriate insurance to cover such losses.
- Power outages including those that result in the loss of stored computer memory, data, and/or files or voltage spikes or surges that damage computers or any appliance. Guests are encouraged to use voltage surge protectors. Extension cords are prohibited; only surge protectors with a reset button are allowed in residential facilities.
Responsibility for the Apartment
Each Guest is responsible for the condition of the assigned apartment and shall reimburse the University for all damage to the apartment, and damages to or loss of fixtures, furnishings, or properties furnished under this AGREEMENT. Removal of University furniture from residential facilities is prohibited. No alterations are to be made to the furniture or fixtures provided by the University. Additional furnishings brought into the apartment must be freestanding and clear of all existing fixtures, furniture or walls; wall hangings & decor of any kind is prohibited.
Guests are expected to take every precaution to assure that common areas are not abused. Removal of common area furnishings or equipment from their proper location constitutes a theft of University property.
The University does not provide any insurance to or on behalf of Guests whether health insurance, accident insurance or otherwise.
Apartment Entry
The University reserves the right to enter an apartment at any time for any appropriate purpose including; to determine compliance with all safety and health regulations and provisions of public law, University regulation, or housing policy; to provide cleaning or maintenance work. An apartment may also be entered if there is an indication of danger to life, health, or property.
Keys & Access Cards
All Guests in Wake Summer Housing Intern Program are assigned keys for access to their apartments. Under no circumstances are these keys to be loaned or given to anyone else. Upon check-out from University housing, all keys must be returned. Failure to do so will result in a fee to be paid immediately. Guests who lose their keys during the course of their stay on campus must report such loss to the Conference Service office within 24 hours.
In the event of a lost or unreturned apartment key, all apartment locks will be changed, even if the roommates, where applicable, have not lost their keys or the other bedrooms are not occupied. There is a cost associated with rekeying an apartment or losing an access card. Please call the Conference & Event Services team for more information.
If a Guest becomes locked out of the apartment contact the Conference & Event Services office.
Maintenance / Work Order Requests
For all NON-EMERGENCY requests, please submit a work order with the Wake SHIP Maintenance Request Form. Work orders are processed Monday-Friday from 8 am-4:30 pm.
Should you need immediate assistance please contact the Conference & Event Services team at 336.758.1755.
Guests are responsible for the conduct of their visitors. Overnight visitors are allowed only with the consent of roommates. Long-term visitors (four nights consecutive or longer) are prohibited.
Appliances guests may use in their apartments are clocks, fans, stereos, televisions, electric razors, hair dryers. The following are not permitted in Guest apartments ceiling fans, space heaters, halogen lights, and appliances with an exposed electrical coil. Plug-in air fresheners are also prohibited. Extension cords are prohibited; only surge protectors with a reset button are allowed in residential facilities.
Drugs and Alcohol
The use, possession, or distribution of narcotics or illegal drugs is strictly prohibited on campus and in residential facilities. The unauthorized use, possession, or sale of any drugs, including those sometimes prescribed for medical purposes will not be tolerated at any time.
Guests under the age of 21 who purchase or knowingly possess any alcoholic beverages violate North Carolina State law. In addition, any person who furnishes an alcoholic beverage to a person who is under 21 years of age violates North Carolina State law.
Any violation of this Section will be grounds for immediate termination of the AGREEMENT without refund of fees.
Smoking is prohibited in all areas of residential facilities, including common areas and individual apartments and rooms.
Firearms, Fireworks and Explosives
Firearms, fireworks, ammunition, explosives and weapons of any sort are not allowed on campus. This is strictly enforced in all residential facilities.
Fire Protection
The University will not tolerate Guests starting fires of any sort in or near the residential facilities, or elsewhere on campus. If a Guest is found tampering with fire alarm mechanisms and/or fire extinguishers and/or refusing to vacate a building in the event of a fire alarm, it may result in the Guest being required to vacate the premises immediately and no refund of fees will be made. The Conference Services office may assess Guests either collectively or individually for false alarms and/or damage to alarm mechanisms or extinguishers. Candles, incense, and other combustible materials may not be used in University buildings, including Guest apartments.
Guests who enter or leave by locked security doors are responsible for leaving them in a locked position. Doors must not be propped open at any time. Keys should be carried at all times, and are not to be loaned. Guests should report anyone or anything suspicious or any lost or stolen articles to the Conference Services office immediately. The University does not assume responsibility for loss or damage to personal items or for personal injury. Guests should arrange for their own insurance coverage including renter’s insurance.
Pets and animals are not allowed in residential facilities.
Service and Emotional Support Animals are accepted on a case-by-case basis and in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. Documentation will need to be provided on the letterhead of the intern’s treating physician or mental provider prior to or upon check-in.
Provision of Services
The Conference Services office agrees to provide reasonable amounts of air-conditioning, water, and electricity during the AGREEMENT period. Interruptions of any or all of these services for reasons of maintenance, repair, or catastrophe, will not be considered a breach of the AGREEMENT, and the University assumes no responsibility for damages. If an interruption does occur, the University agrees to use commercially reasonable efforts to restore the affected service within a reasonable amount of time.
Additional Policies
- Objects may not be dropped or thrown from the windows and/or balconies and screens may not be removed.
- All Guests of the University are expected to maintain a reasonable sound level in their apartments at all times.

Housing Details
Interns will be housed in apartment-style residence halls on Wake Forest’s Reynolda campus. Each fully furnished unit includes private bedrooms, a bathroom, a shared living space, a shared kitchen, and access to laundry facilities. Utilities are incorporated into the nightly rate. Residents are responsible for furnishing all essential amenities including television, linens, cookware, dishes, etc.
What’s Provided:
- Each room includes a bed, a dresser, a desk and chair, a closet, a dresser, window blinds,
- Air-Conditioning
- 24-Hour Assistance between June 1st– August 1st
- WiFi
- Gated Community
- Convenient parking
- Secure buildings & rooms
- Fire Detectors & Sprinklers
- Shuttle service between the Shuttle Hub: Shelter B to IQ / Wake Downtown
- University Police 336.758.5911 or dial 5911 from any university phone
- Wake Alert University Notifications (To opt in Text WFUEvents to 226787)
Packing For Your Stay
Things To Bring:
- UL-approved power strips (with a circuit breaker)
- Cookware & Tableware
- Cleaning Supplies
- Soap, toiletries, shower bucket
- Towels, washcloths
- Bathrobe, slippers
- Hair dryer
- FULL-SIZE or TWIN sheets, blankets (please check with your internship contact to confirm which size sheets you will need to bring.)
- Bedspread
- Pillow and pillowcases
- Wastepaper basket
- Desk lamp
- Desk/office supplies; stationery, stamps, pens, pencils, stapler.
- Memo board for a door
- Camera
- Television (Note: Streaming services only, individual subscriptions are required.)
- Detergent, iron, laundry bag, clothes hangers
- Alarm clock
- Flashlight
- Radio, stereo
- Keurigs or Keurig-style makers
You are welcome to bring your bike, but you cannot easily store it in your room. Bike racks are provided around the residence halls. Be sure to bring a bike lock for security!
Prohibited Items:
- Bed lofts
- Fans with cooling systems
- Humidifiers or Misters of any kind
- Extension cords
- Plug-in air fresheners
- Multi-plug adapters
- Halogen lamps
- Candles (including those that are decorative)
- Fireworks or weapons (including paintball guns)
- Foam Mattress toppers
- Microwave ovens
- Toasters or toaster ovens
- Electric grills or George Foreman grills
- Hot plates or electric skillets
- Crockpots; waffle or crepe pans
- Electric/space heaters
- Any coil appliances
- Kerosene lamps or appliances
- Waterbeds
- Pets and animals
- Black lights
- Additional air conditioners
- Non-UL-approved lighting
- Wireless computer access points (the University will provide connectivity)
- Candle warmers
- Cinder blocks
- All residence halls are non-smoking
Arrival & Departure Information
Staff will be available for your group’s program pre-approved date between 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. If you are arriving after hours or on the weekend, please make every effort to notify your group’s contact and the Conference & Event Services team prior to your arrival date to arrange for a staff member to meet you.
Check Out
Information on key drop will be provided to onsite guests closer to the date of checkout.
Departures on August 1st must check out no later than noon.
*As a reminder, all Guests are allowed one check-in and one check-out per stay within our facilities.*
Keys, Access Cards & Lockouts
All Guests in Wake Summer Housing Intern Program are assigned keys for access to their apartment. Under no circumstances are these keys to be loaned or given to anyone else.
Guests who lose their key(s) /access card during the course of their stay on campus must report such loss to the Conference Service office within 24 hours. In the event of a lost or unreturned apartment key, all apartment locks will be changed, even if the roommates, where applicable, have not lost their keys or the other bedrooms are not occupied
Upon check-out from University housing, all keys/access cards must be returned. Failure to do so will result in lost key charges.
Housekeeping & Maintenance
Apartments & rooms will be cleaned before arrival. You are responsible for keeping your room & apartment tidy; including cleaning the bathroom, and kitchen as well as taking out your trash during your stay. Trash disposal is centrally located at each apartment building.
During your stay, should you have a non-emergency maintenance request, please submit a work order with the link below. Work orders are processed in the order they are received, Monday-Friday 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Please note that from June 2nd – August 1st you may experience a slower response time for all non-emergency requests.

Shared Apartment with Private Bedroom, Shared Living Space
$37.00 per person/per night
Private Apartment (1-person apartment)
$42.00 per night

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