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John Wise

From the AVP

The Hospitality & Auxiliary Services annual report for 2020 reflects upon a period where, despite ​pandemic-mandated changes, the team found new ways to come together: to innovate, to collaborate, and to serve.

Within the campus response to pandemic-related conditions, it quickly became clear how substantive our organization is to the successful operation of all facets of the University experience. As continual contributors and integral collaborators within the Wake Forest University community, all departments of Hospitality & Auxiliary Services interact with, and therefore impact our students, faculty, staff, and guests daily.

Throughout this past year of great uncertainty, I have learned the true value of our employees through their willingness to step up, and step forward, to take on various unexpected roles – all in the overarching spirit of hospitality and service to our Wake Forest community. I am proud of the way Hospitality & Auxiliary Services swiftly adapted and met the unprecedented challenges and was an integral component in the effort to provide a safe, secure, and healthy school year for our students.

As we adapt to a yet-to-be-determined variation of normal, both on campus and within the world, it will be ever more important to embody the spirit of Pro Humanitate in our everyday actions and accomplishments. The lessons we learned during this past year will guide future interactions as Hospitality & Auxiliary Services strives to provide an unparalleled campus experience for Wake Forest University.

John Wise

Associate Vice President, Hospitality & Auxiliary Services
