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June 1st

Wake Summer Housing Intern Program (Wake SHIP) begins

Wake SHIP offers easy, convenient, affordable housing for summer interns & researchers across the Triad area.  

Deacon PLace Bedroom

Sign placed on campus welcoming various summer camps to Wake Forest.

June 12th

Residential Summer Camps & Programs begin

June 20th

Juneteenth Observed

Campus is closed on Monday, June 20th in observance of Juneteenth. Be on the lookout for changes in hours of service across all Hospitality & Auxiliary Services Departments. To get upcoming announcements sent directly to your inbox, subscribe.

Tiny American flags decorate Tribble Plaza.

July 4th

Independence Day

Campus is closed on Monday, July 4th in observance of Independence Day. Be on the lookout for changes in hours of service across all Hospitality & Auxiliary Services Departments. To get upcoming announcements sent directly to your inbox, subscribe.
